(03) 9369 4177

Product Performance Testing

Eureka! operates an extensive testing facility that enables us to determine the crop safety and bioefficacy of herbicides, some fungicides, plant growth regulators (PGRs), some insecticides and the effect of fertilisers and other organic or bio stimulants on plant growth.

Stability Testing

Storage stability tests are essential to gaining product registration by regulatory bodies. Our chemistry packages are designed to provide data

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Spray Boom Performance

The CIPAC methods used to test products are generally designed for European conditions and may not adequately simulate Australian and New Zealand conditions.

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Hose-on and Ready-to-Use packaging are specialised and differ greatly in the volume and method of delivering a product and the spray pattern.

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Efficacy and Crop Safety

We offer a wide range of sophisticated efficacy and crop safety tests on potted plants. The test plants can be grown in a greenhouse or outdoors.

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Most products used on plants are affected by rain or irrigation but surprisingly few companies test their products for these effects. We have a high precision rainfall simulator.

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